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St Philips Primary



St Philip’s PTA

 A Thank you from the PTA - October 2021

The St. Philip's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a charity fundraising committee run by parents of children in the school and some of the staff. All parents automatically become members of the Association when their child joins the school.

What We Do

We run social and fundraising events to help raise money for some of the little extras that make the children's learning more fun - in the last couple of years our projects have included wall bars and Nativity costumes, theatre workshops and a music morning,  laptops and library books! We work with Mrs Allan and the staff to identify areas where we can help. 

Upcoming Events

We usually try to run a Christmas Fayre and a Summer Fayre, with food, singing or music, a raffle, and pocket money stalls, where the children, their families, and the local community are all welcome. We have an Easter Disco and a Summer Disco at the school for the children, and we also organise termly cake sales after school for each year group or key stage. We also run social events - this year we had a new parents' evening and a family fun run in the park! 

Whatever we're planning, the details are included in Mrs Allan's newsletters so that everyone knows about forthcoming events. We'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions about anything we could try - from a new stall to an idea for a whole new event. 

Can You Help?

We are so grateful for all the help we get! We welcome all offers of help for setting up, running, and clearing away at events; but if that's not your cup of tea, maybe you could help by baking cakes for cake sales, donating a raffle prize, joining the Committee, or just by coming along to the Fayre or the disco and showing your support! If you can help in any way, please let us know - email Bryndis, our Volunteer Coordinator, on pta.stphilips@gmail.com

Committee Members

Our joint chairpersons are Jo Woods and Anna Nitch-Smith; the committee also includes Nat Day, Sarah Dunne, Bjarki Holm, Rachel Roberts, Lisa Rogers, Nwabisa Tsetsha, Helen Weller, Alan Woodward, and Bryndis Yngvadottir. If you'd like to see our full constitution and mission statement, click here.

 Contact Us

Do come and chat to any of the Committee members in the playground or at an event to find out more about what we do - or come and join us at our regular term-time meetings. We currently meet at 7.30 on the first Tuesday of the month by zoom

You can also email the committee on pta.stphilips@gmail.com,  or find us on facebook.com/stphilipspta.