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St Philips Primary

PAN Consultation 2024-25

Every school must specify its Published Admission Number (PAN) as part of its Admissions Policy. The St Philip's Admissions Policy may be found here. The PAN is a statement of the maximum number of children in any school year. Our current PAN is 45 pupils.

Any school wishing to reduce its PAN must consult stakeholders in line with the School Admissions Code. Consultations must be completed by 31 January for changes to take effect in September of the following year.

In the light of demographic change in the local area, leading to reduced intake in recent years, the Governors of St Philip's are considering reducing the PAN from 45 to 30 pupils. This means that the number of places available for children in Reception in 2026 and subsequent Reception cohorts would be 30. There would be no effect on children who already have a place at the school.

The reasons for considering this change are as follows:

  • To reflect changing demand for school places in the local area
  • To maximise stability of class structures within the school
  • To ensure effective use of the school's resources
  • Single-form year-groups would allow teachers to more effectively deliver the school's curriculum, providing a better educational experience for  pupils
  • Single-form year-groups would also be easier for parents and carers to understand and support from home.

The Governors are not considering any other changes to the admission criteria.

We would appreciate your comments on this. The survey is now open and closes on 31 January 2025. You can complete it at the link below:

SURVEY LINK (opens in a new tab)

Alternatively, you can write with your comments to: Chair of Governors, St Philip's Primary School, 2 Vinery Way, Cambridge, CB1 3DR.

Thank you for your support of St Philip's.