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St Philips Primary

Freedom of Information

Freedom of information: publication scheme

All public authorities, including schools, are required under the Freedom of Information Act to adopt a publication scheme that has been approved by the Information Commissioner.

There is currently one approved model publication scheme, which has been produced by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

Schools must adopt the ICO's model scheme and make it publicly available

ICO Definition document for Schools in England

Our published guide to information

Schools should publish a guide to information alongside the publication scheme.

The guide should specify:

  • the documents available
  • the format of the documents
  • any charges made for the information

St Philip's Published Guide to Information


Data Protection 

In May 2018, data protection rules changes. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) outlines how we can use personal data relating to you and your child and keep it safe. It also strengthens your rights over this personal data. 

This area of our website informs you about how we are compliant with The General Data Protection Regulation.

How we process, use and store personal data: 

Data Protection Policy

This policy is intended to ensure the safety and security of any material of a personal or sensitive nature we collect and store.


Privacy Notice

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, it is our duty to advise parents and carers of pupils attending our school about the information we collect relating to their child, in both paper and electronic formats.

Our privacy notices provides you with this information.

Privacy Notice for Governors & Volunteers

Subject access requests

Who deals with subject access requests?

The school's Headteacher will deal with all subject access requests received.This is based on advice from the Information Commissioner's Office guidance.

How we will respond to subject access requests

On receiving a request, our Data Protection Officer will contact the individual to confirm the request was made. We will then verify the identity of the person making a request using reasonable means. Generally, this means we will ask for two forms of identification.

In most cases, we will provide the information within 1 month, and free of change. If the request is complex or numerous, we can comply within 3 months, but we will inform the individual of this within 1 month and explain why the extension is necessary.

We recognise that school holidays are counted in the response time and if we receive a request in the school holidays, we will still respond within the same time frame.

Unfounded or excessive requests

If the request is unfounded or excessive, we will either:

  • charge a reasonable fee for you to comply, based on the administrative cost of providing the information
  • refuse to respond
  • comply within 3 months, rather than the usual deadline of 1 month; however, we will always inform the individual of this and will explain why

Usually, unfounded or excessive means that the request is repetitive, or asks for further copies of the same information.

Refusing a request

When we refuse a request, we will:

  • respond to them within 1 month
  • explain why we are refusing the request
  • inform the individual that they have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office

Subject Access Request Form