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St Philips Primary

Pre-School - FAQs & Policies

Admissions and Settling in policy

Fees and payment policy

Please see some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that we have answered below. If you have a different please question, please do get in touch via the contact details at the bottom of this page.

When is the Pre-School open?

The Pre-School is open from 8:45am to 3:30pm from Monday – Friday. We follow the dates of the school terms plus inset training days and are not open during the school holidays. However there is a wraparound service run by an outside company, Premier, that offer places for our Pre-School children on site.

The drop off and pick up times are:

8:45am:               Morning session drop off

11:45am:              Morning session pick up & Lunch supervision drop off

12:30pm:             Lunch supervision pick up & Afternoon session drop off

3:30pm:              Afternoon session pick up.

Does my Child Need to Wear Uniform?

Yes, we are a uniformed Pre-School as we are part of the community of St. Philip’s CE Primary School. You may order uniform with the main school logo on from the school trends website.

Please copy and paste the link www.schooltrends.co.uk then search for our school.

We understand that logo uniform can be costly and young children get messy. So in Pre-School we are happy for school colours to be adhered to and supermarket brands are fine. Children can wear comfortable elastic waist jogging bottoms/leggings – grey or black, white polo tops and a simple navy blue jumper or cardigan. Footwear needs to be closed toe and heel, with no laces, which is suitable for running, jumping and climbing. Trainers are acceptable; again no laces please. This is much easier for their emerging independence skills. Please name everything!

What are the term dates?

Term dates can be found on this page of the school website.

What age can children start at the Pre-School?

Children can start from the day after their 3rd birthday if you wish to pay ahead before there funding starts. Some children start at the beginning of the term after their 3rd birthday as this is when they become eligible for government funded hours (15 hours or 30 hours).

If your child is 3 between 1 April and 31 August funded hours start in September.

If your child is 3 between 1 September and 31 December funded hours start in January.

If your child is 3 between 1 January and 31st March funded hours start in April.

How much do the Pre-School sessions cost?

The Pre-School costings and timings per day are:



Cost of session


Morning Session

8:45am – 11:45am

£16.50 per 3hr session or paid by 15/30 hours funding


Lunchtime Supervision

11:45am – 12:30pm



Please note funded hours cannot be used for this session.

Supervision costs only. Parents can provide a packed lunch or purchase a hot school lunch for £2.40.

Afternoon Session

12:30pm – 3:30pm

£16.50 per 3hr session or paid by 15/30 hours funding


How do I use my government funded 15 hours or 30 hours to pay for Pre-School sessions?

All children are eligible for 15 hours of funded childcare from the government from the term after they turn 3. Providing you fill in the application form in time for it to be submitted the Pre-School can claim this funding automatically.  

In order to receive the 30 hours of funded childcare, parents or carers need to send the 11 digit eligibility code, the parent’s National Insurance Number and the child’s Date of Birth to the Pre-School administrator by the end of the term before you wish the funding to start. For example for 30 hours funding for September we must have the code sent to the Pre-School before the last day of August so it can be submitted and become eligible.

You can apply for the 30 hours eligibility code and find more information here: https://www.gov.uk/apply-30-hours-free-tax-free-childcare.

Do I have to use all of my funded hours if I am eligible?

The full 15hrs or 30hrs will be registered with St. Philip’s Pre-School. So the space is available for your child but you may wish to start by using just part sessions per week then build up. Doing this is also helpful to families who suddenly find they need a space at short notice. There is no worry as a space is available and your child is on the roll. You will just need to email the Pre-School and let us know an extra session is needed. Or you may need the full 30hrs straight away. Lunchtime supervision is not included in the funded hours these are charged for times and if you use an extra day staying for lunchtime you will be charged for this slot.

Can I pay and book more sessions than my funding covers?

Yes you can pay for extra sessions in addition to your funded hours at the rates above.

Can I book extra sessions in addition to my regular weekly pattern?

We understand that parents sometimes need to add extra session ad-hoc and are happy to support this should space allow, but recommend that as far as possible a consistent schedule is maintained to give stability to the children. Please contact PreSchool@stphilips.cambs.sch.uk to enquire whether it is possible to add an extra session.

What can my child have for lunch?

If your child is booked to stay for lunchtime supervisions, they can either have a hot school lunch or bring a packed lunch. Hot school lunches cost £2.40 per day and you will be given a code to access the on-line system run by the school caterers Aspens.  As a setting we promote healthy eating. If you are providing a packed lunch please send your child with a healthy, nutritious lunch that they will enjoy eating. Water is provided for drinks at lunch so bottles of juice etc are not needed. We ask that any food sent in has NO NUT INGREDIENTS and if sending in grapes please chop them in half, length ways. A small ice pack could be used to keep lunches cool.

What does my child need to bring with them to Pre-School?

Your child will need to bring

  • Spare clothes, named, in a bag to hang on their peg (does not need to be uniform)
  • Back pack or book bag each day
  • Wellington boots to stay at Pre-School with name inside
  • A healthy packed lunch if staying for the lunchtime slot and you have chosen to provide lunch
  • Appropriate clothes for seasonal weather – so warm coat/gloves/hat or sun hat

Can my child attend if they are not toilet trained?

Yes, your child can attend if not toilet trained when they are due to start. Individual needs can be discussed with the Lead Practitioner and support will be put in place for helping families with toilet training. Children will be supported by highly experienced early years staff with developing skills to use the toilet. If you child is wearing nappies or pull ups when attending Pre-School you will need to supply:

  • A pack of nappies or pull-ups - named
  • A pack of your own wipes so no allergic reactions can occur - named
  • A pack of nappy disposal sacks – named 

Does the school have any wraparound care for before and after the Pre-School day?

The school wraparound care is undertaken by Premier from September 2023 which are an outside agency. They will take children from 3 years upwards so our Pre-School children can attend breakfast and after school sessions with them during term time. However, please note that they do not provide sessions for Pre-School aged children during holiday times. Their details are on the main school website.

How do I find out if there is availability in the Pre-School for my child?

Please complete and return the Expression of Interest form found on the Pre-School page of the main school website to PreSchool@stphilips.cambs.sch.uk. Alternatively you can email the Pre-School directly at this email address or ring us via the school office on 01223 508707