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St Philips Primary

School Vision

At St Philip’s, our Christian values reflect our respect and support of everyone within our caring community.

We nurture children to be independent, inquisitive learners with high aspirations who through resilience will live life to its fullness.

We strive for every pupil to prosper and have hope for their future.

Our Aims:

At St Philip’s, all children will:

  1. Be respectful of themselves, others and their environment
  2. Feel safe, loved and valued
  3. Be caring and compassionate for all
  4. Show positivity, endurance and develop resilience to overcome barriers
  5. Treasure their learning journey and experiences at St Philip’s

St Philip’s CE (A) Primary School seeks to create an inclusive and caring learning environment underpinned by our core values. Behaviour for learning is supported particularly by our values of trust, wisdom, compassion, forgiveness and justice. The school community as a whole has a role to play in promoting positive behaviour.

Our aim is to teach pupils to act in a caring, positive and safe manner in accordance with our values of trust, wisdom,
compassion, forgiveness and justice.

Children are encouraged to be safe, caring and positive at all times.

Our school values are ‘Safe, Caring and Positive’. We concentrate on one Christian value a half term linked to these.