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St Philips Primary



At St Philip’s C of E Primary School we welcome those wishing to help in the school and value the contribution they make to school life. We believe that the involvement of parents, carers and volunteers in children's education is vital and we encourage active participation in many ways. Some volunteers come to school to help with a variety of tasks such as art, cooking, and especially reading, and usually work with individuals or small groups in specific classes. In addition, volunteers often help when the children are taken on educational visits outside school or get involved with the work of the PTA.

 Becoming a volunteer

Anyone wishing to become a volunteer should contact the School Office by email.  Volunteers will be asked to complete a Volunteer Application Form and Volunteer Reference Record Sheet and the Volunteer Agreement which sets out the school’s expectations of its volunteers.

Volunteers will be invited to attend an induction meeting which will provide information on child protection, health and safety as well as general advice on volunteering.


We are very grateful to those who volunteer to help in school. Please be aware that we have to apply for DBS certificates, as part of our commitment to safeguarding our children. If you are able to, and would like to volunteer in school, please register your expression of interest by emailing the school office using office@stphilips.cambs.sch.uk